Which is Best Intel Vs AMD Ryzen Processor | Damtor Tech

Which is Best Intel Vs AMD Ryzen Processor | Damtor Tech

Full form of DNA:- दोस्तों अगर आपको भी समझ नहीं आ रहा हैं की ये DNA का फुल फॉर्म हैं क्या तो आज मैं आपको इसके सारे full forms बिलकुल अच्छे से बताने वाला हु दोस्तों इसका कोई एक फुल फॉर्म नहीं हैं बल्कि full form of DNA बहुत सारे हैं आपको आज सारे पता चल जायेंगे।

वैसे आपको नहीं लगता की ये DNA word कितना मशहूर हैं 4 फुल फॉर्म्स इसकी आज आपको पता चलेगी।

ये सारि full forms अलग-अलग जगह पर काम आती हैं जैसे की कोई Medical से रिलेटेड हैं तो कोई News से कोई Civics से रिलेटेड हैं तो कोई Corruption से बस आपको एक बार पढ़ लेना हैं अपनी knowledge के लिए सारि आपको निचे मिल जाएँगी

Hello Friends, In this article I'll cover all your problems and misunderstanding about AMD Ryzen and Intel processor. 

Intel Chips:-
Intel is largest company which gives processors in market such as i3, i5, i7, etc. And you listen from people that i5 is better than i3 and i7 is better than i5. Intel processors offers great performance when it is clocked at single core. But one thing you keep in mind that i3 not have three cores, same as i5 not have 5cores and i7 not have 7cores. The numbers are basically distinguish between their relative processing powers. But one thing I say that i7 give high performance than i5 and i3.Intel processors offer a number of advantages which is power saving performance, graphics performance, less heat, processing speed and power but it is not over-clocked. So, Intel processors are tend to be more expensive than the AMD counters and something to be keep in mind that if you are looking on a budget category processor (or are simply looking for a cost-effective option). than my opinion you take AMD processor because in less money you will get good performance. Sometimes AMD processors do thing that Intel not do.
AMD Chips:-AMD(Advanced Micro Drives) are the alternative  of intel processors. The first Ryzen chips of AMD are Ryzen 3, Ryzen 5, Ryzen 7. Obviously Ryzen 7 have best performance than other Ryzens. As of the condition that Ryzen 3 is alternative of Intel i3, Ryzen 5 is alternative of Intel i5, and Ryzen 7 is alternative of Intel i7. AMD processors are clocked at Multi-core Performance, Play heavy games like light games, over-clocking is made easy through AMD turbo boost technology, less expensive than Intel chips on compare with same performance. But one thing you adjust which is heating of AMD ryzens. It use more battery.
Final Round:-So friends,  I am some points on this fight, So it totally depends on you. For AMD:-1. Budget Friendly2. Over-clocking technology of AMD3. Great Performance4. Some heating issue5. Power consumer.For Intel:-1. Single-Clocked technology is best for Intel2. Best Performanoce3. Power Saver4. More Expensive5. No Heating issue.

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